January 15, 2025
#RMSBulldogs #RidgelandReady #CollegeWorkLife
January 9, 2025
⚠️Attention Bulldog families!⚠️
Your feedback is extremely valuable! 🙌 Please take a few minutes to complete the survey using the QR Code below or the following link:
The deadline to complete the survey is March 31!👍
Go Bulldogs!!!🐾
#RMSBulldogs #RidgelandReady #CollegeWorkLife
⚠️¡Atención, familias de Bulldogs!⚠️
¡Sus comentarios son extremadamente valiosos! 🙌 Tómese unos minutos para completar la encuesta utilizando el código QR a continuación o el siguiente enlace:
¡Puede seleccionar una versión en español de la encuesta en la parte superior de la página! ¡La fecha límite para completar la encuesta es el 31 de marzo! 👍
¡Vamos Bulldogs! 🐾
#RMSBulldogs #RidgelandReady #CollegeWorkLife
December 16, 2024
⚠️Attention Bulldog Nation⚠️
Here is a list of food resources & locations available in Walker County next month!
Go Bulldogs!!!🐾
#RMSBulldogs #RidgelandReady #CollegeWorkLife
December 5, 2024
A huge SHOUT OUT to the cast of RMS Drama's spring production of The Wizard of Oz!!!💙🤍💙🤍💙
Go Bulldogs!!!🐾
#RMSBulldogs #RidgelandReady #CollegeWorkLife
August 14, 2024
Attention Bulldog Nation!
The School Council is one of the many ways that RMS seeks to include stakeholders in the decision-making process of our school! The School Council represents parents, students, law enforcement, community leaders, faith partners, business partners, etc., each of whom have input necessary to our School Improvement Plan. The School Council will meet five times this year, on the dates listed below, at 3:30 in the RMS Media Center. Please contact the school if you are interested in being part of the School Council!🙌
Go Bulldogs!!!🐾
#RMSBulldogs #RidgelandReady #CollegeWorkLife
14 de agosto de 2024
¡Atención, Bulldog Nation!
¡El Consejo Escolar es una de las muchas formas en que RMS busca incluir a las partes interesadas en el proceso de toma de decisiones de nuestra escuela! El Consejo Escolar representa a los padres, estudiantes, agentes del orden público, líderes comunitarios, socios religiosos, socios comerciales, etc., cada uno de los cuales tiene aportes necesarios para nuestro Plan de Mejora Escolar. El Consejo Escolar se reunirá cinco veces este año, en las fechas que se indican a continuación, a las 3:30 en el Centro de Medios de RMS. ¡Comuníquese con la escuela si está interesado en formar parte del Consejo Escolar!🙌
¡Vamos Bulldogs!🐾
#RMSBulldogs #RidgelandReady #CollegeWorkLife
August 8, 2024
Attention parents and guardians!🙌
Please complete the school's Device Usage Acknowledgment and Agreement as soon as possible! This is necessary before students can begin using digital devices at RMS. The agreement can be found at the following link:
Go Bulldogs!!!🐾
#RMSBulldogs #RidgelandReady #CollegeWorkLife
August 7, 2024
⚠️Attention Bulldog Nation⚠️
Here are the 2024-25 RMS Bell Schedules (Regular, No Study Skills, Club & Activity, 2-Hour Delay, and Half-Day).
Remember that this year, middle schools and high schools in Walker County will be dismissing at 3:30 PM. Our morning procedures have not changed. Our building will open at 7:00 AM, breakfast will be served at 7:30, and students will be considered tardy at 8:15.
With the exception of the 3:30 PM dismissal time, our afternoon procedures will remain the same. Car riders will be released to the parking lot for pickup at dismissal and bus riders will be dismissed from 5th block once their busses arrive on campus.
We're looking forward to seeing every one bright and early tomorrow as we kick off another year!
Go Bulldogs!!!🐾
#RMSBulldogs #RidgelandReady #CollegeWorkLife
7 de agosto de 2024
⚠️¡Atención, Bulldog Nation!⚠️
A continuación, se muestran los horarios de clases de RMS 2024-25 (regular, sin técnicas de estudio, club y actividad, retraso de 2 horas y medio día).
Recuerde que este año, las escuelas intermedias y secundarias del condado de Walker terminarán sus clases a las 3:30 p. m. Nuestros procedimientos matutinos no han cambiado. Nuestro edificio abrirá a las 7:00 a. m., se servirá el desayuno a las 7:30 p. m. y se considerará que los estudiantes llegaron tarde a las 8:15 p. m.
Con la excepción de la hora de salida a las 3:30 p. m., nuestros procedimientos de la tarde seguirán siendo los mismos. Los estudiantes que viajen en automóvil serán liberados en el estacionamiento para que los recojan a la hora de salida y los que viajen en autobús serán despedidos desde la quinta cuadra una vez que sus autobuses lleguen al campus.
¡Estamos ansiosos por verlos a todos temprano mañana cuando comencemos otro año!
¡Vamos Bulldogs! 🐾
#RMSBulldogs #RidgelandReady #CollegeWorkLife
August 1, 2024
⚠️Attention Bulldog Nation!⚠️
Please help us ensure that our afternoon pickup procedures are as safe as possible by following the procedures at the following link:
Go Bulldogs!🐾
⚠️¡Atención, Bulldog Nation!⚠️
Ayúdenos a garantizar que nuestros procedimientos de recogida por la tarde sean lo más seguros posible siguiendo los procedimientos que se indican en el siguiente enlace:
¡Vamos Bulldogs!🐾
#RMSBulldogs #RidgelandReady #CollegeWorkLife
July 26, 2024
Go Bulldogs!!!🐾
#RMSBulldogs #RidgelandReady #CollegeWorkLife
July 15, 2024
Go Bulldogs!!!🐾
#RMSBulldogs #RidgelandReady #CollegeWorkLife
June 4, 2024
Attention Bulldog Nation!!!
Please read the following announcement regarding changes to district policy regarding "Out of Zone" or "Out of District" students. If you believe this might impact you or if you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact the school!
Go Bulldogs!!!🐾
#RMSBulldogs #RidgelandReady #CollegeWorkLife
April 8, 2024
It was great pride that RMS can announce that Dr. Paula Reed has been named the Georgia Library Media Association Region 1 Media Specialist of the Year!!! She will next be considered for State Media Specialist of the Year honors.📚🏆🙌
Those who know her know that Dr. Reed holds nothing back. She is a problem solver and a visionary. She is, quite frankly, the best at her craft. This honor is well deserved and long overdue!!!💙🤍💙🤍💙
Go Bulldogs!!!🐾
#RMSBulldogs #RidgelandReady #CollegeWorkLife
January 11, 2024
⚠️Attention Bulldog Nation!⚠️
#RMSBulldogs #RidgelandReady #CollegeWorkLife
August 22, 2023
Stay informed!!!🙌
Go Bulldogs!!!🐾
#RMSBulldogs #RidgelandReady #CollegeWorkLife
August 4, 2023 - HB-402 Water Safety Information for Parents and Students
Attention Bulldog Nation!
House Bill 402 is the water safety information dissemination bill that passed last legislative session requiring that school systems provide water safety information to their parents and students. Please click the links provided below to access this information.🙌
Go Bulldogs!!!🐾
The Red Cross Water Safety Resource
YMCA Water Safety Resource
July 28, 2023
Attention Bulldog Nation!
Please click the IMAGE BELOW to complete the Walker County Schools Parent & Student Acceptable Use Agreement! This is required in order for your student to be issued a computer or to use any Walker County Schools web-based technology.🙌
Go Bulldogs!!!🐾
August 11, 2022
Attention Bulldog Parents and Guardians!
If your student's teachers use ClassDojo, be sure to scan the QR code below to download the app. Create a parent account, enter your name & email, create a password, and contact the teacher for your students unique "Add Child" code.
This is an extremely convenient way to communicate with all of your kid's teachers!
Go Bulldogs!!!
August 1, 2022
Attention Bulldog Parents and Guardians!
Stay on top of your student's grades with the PowerSchool mobile app! Scan the QR code below to download!
Go Bulldogs!!!
RMS Device Checkout